Women in Construction

Changing the landscape

More women are working in construction than ever before. From the jobsite to the boardroom, they are thriving in a variety of roles and making an impact every day. John Deere is proud to share these stories of women who are changing the landscape of the industry.


Take a closer look

Learn more about these amazing individuals, as well as other women making an impact in construction, by reading more stories of The Dirt.


a woman wearing a black John Deere shirt smiling in front of construction equipment

Strength through diversity

At John Deere, we believe that a dynamic and diverse workforce represents the key to helping our world leap forward. We are proud to see the growing influence women are having on the construction industry today. John Deere celebrates and supports the unique perspectives, talents, and strengths they bring to the table.

Two young women posed in from of equipment with the headline “Moving the world forward”.


Ready to inspire others

We are always looking for opportunities to feature women and advocates for women in construction in a future edition of The Dirt. To be considered, share your story or someone else’s by filling out this form.