SmartGrade™ Dozers Infographic
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- Featuring Topcon 3D-MC2.
- No external masts.
- No external cables.
- Reduce risk of damage and theft.
- Eliminates system installation time.
- Machine dimensions are preloaded to significantly reduce calibration time.
- Select new load levels, dozing activities, and material types in two monitor touches versus system calibration by a GPS expert.
- Automatically adjusts blade when encountering heavier loader, reducing track slip to improve fuel economy and prolong track life.
- System is fully supported by your John Deere dealer.
- Finance the complete system as a single purchase.
- Your dealer's grad control specialist is the primary contact for the dozer and grade control system.
- World-class parts availability.
- See when the system is or is not being utilized.
- System sensors are not located in-cylinder, for easy access.