Cotton Connectivity

More data. More connectivity.

More cotton harvest success.

Are you recording your cotton harvest data in your John Deere Operations Center™ account? Setting up your CP770 or CS770 harvester to record data is easy using a Generation 4 or G5 display. By collecting harvest data, you can make data-driven agronomic and business decisions that lead to improved quality, more efficiencies, and higher yields and profitability.

Cell phone with location icon

Instant Harvest Data Access

Get field, crop, and machine information anytime, anywhere, with the Operations Center mobile app.

Document with wifi icon

Document and Analyze

Track yields and varieties from field to field and share detailed yield maps with your trusted advisors.

Checklist with cotton icon on right side of list

Traceability Grows Profitability

Capture, analyze, and share individual module data with Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro.

Two hands around a yellow sphere with a green star at the center

Get Credit for Your Sustainability

Use Operations Center to automatically enter data for enrollment in the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol and similar programs.

Need help setting up your harvester? Start Here.

Image collage of a cotton harverster on the right and TItle: How To: Set up Your Cotton Harvester on the left with a play button overlaying the image

How to set up your cotton harvester

This video will not only walk you through a complete work setup, it'll also show you how to navigate the cotton features in your display. You'll see how to:

  • Create Client, Farm, and Field for each working area
  • Review and define equipment configuration and row spacing
  • Define work details like operator, variety, gin location and producer ID
Image collage of a display on the right and TItle: How To: Calibrate for high-=quality yield data on the left with a play button overlaying the image

How to calibrate for high-quality yield data

To ensure accurate yield data is recorded during harvest, it's important to make sure your sensors are calibrated. This video tells you when you need to perform important calibrations and how to do them, including:

  • Yield Calibration
  • Moisture Sensor Calibration
  • Round Module Calibration
Image collage of a person using a tablet on the right and Title: How To: Activate your free JDLink™ connected service on the left with a play button overlaying the image

How to activate your free JDLink™ connected service

JDLink connects your machines for fast data transfer regardless of equipment brand or age. It's a free service to help you:

  • Stream machine and field data in Operations Center
  • Enable machine-to machine communication and remote support from your dealer
  • Track and document agronomic data with your Generation 4 or G5 display
  • Two men looking at a cell phone screen

    John Deere Operations Center™

    Access field, crop, and machine information anytime on your desktop computer or mobile device through your Operations Center account. Plus, with many connected software tools, including major farm management systems, you can make the most out of your data.

  • Large yellow tube connected to red covered flat bed truck

    Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro

    Capture, analyze, and share harvest data down to the module with Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro. Track module moisture and weight, then share it with your gin to help prioritize module movement. Together, Harvest Identification, Cotton Pro allow for traceability from field to end use.

  • Data map with many location icons highlighted

    Documentation and Field Analyzer

    Make informed decisions by reviewing your documentation data in Field Analyzer. Track your yields from field to field, then generate and share detailed yield maps with your consultants, seed reps, scouts or other advisors through your Operations Center account.

  • Woman looking at a cell phone screen with a stream of green numbers coming out of the screen

    Free JDLink™ Connected Service

    JDLink enables easy wireless communication with your machines, operators, and dealer. It powers your ability to analyze progress and performance, transfer cotton data, and use Machine Alerts and Service ADVISOR™ Remote to preempt or diagnose issues.

  • A harvester making a semi-circle though a field

    RowSense™ and AutoTrac™ Guidance

    Here’s how you get the most accurate guidance available. RowSense uses mechanical sensors to guide you through standing crops. AutoTrac then provides secondary GPS guidance to help steer through gaps.

  • Command Center G5 image screen

    G5plus CommandCenter

    The new G5 displays are here from John  Deere. With a 35% bigger touchscreen than a Generation 4 Display, a 3x faster processor, and clear, 1080p HD resolution, the G5 display lets you see more, control more, and do more.

More and more, data is powering your farm. And Deere is doing everything we can to help you protect and securely leverage it in your display, your Operations Center account, and with your dealer — so you can make smarter, faster decisions. For more details visit