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Agriculture, Ag Tech March 01, 2024
John Deere Precision Upgrades—making your current fleet the best it can be.
It's hard to keep up with ag technology, and equipment purchases are a big investment. But with Precision Upgrades, farmers can bring the latest John Deere Precision Ag technology to existing machines, unlocking more ROI on the farm by saving money and increasing efficiency. So, where do you begin?
It starts with ensuring the entire fleet is benefiting from basic Precision Ag. John Deere recently launched the John Deere Precision Upgrades Ag Essentials Package. This includes a G5Plus Universal Display, StarFire™ 7000 receiver and data modem, bringing the latest technology through AutoTrac™, Documentation, and Section Control, while connecting the machine to the John Deere Operations Center. More compatible across equipment age and multi-brand fleets, this package delivers the best experience for the whole farm. John Deere is delivering the kit at a lower initial price point to increase value to more farms. With the kit, farmers pay an annual license to only pay for what the farm needs instead of paying for all the technology upfront. As John Deere adds functionality, farmers choose when to buy new features.
As an example of machine-specific kits, John Deere offers a retrofit solution to put See & Spray™ Premium on existing sprayers. Model year 2018 or newer R-Series sprayers can get this game-changing technology for only $25,000 (USD) installed.
It uses targeted application to spray only the weeds in fallow ground, corn, soybeans, and cotton—providing more than 50%* herbicide savings! Historically, John Deere would have only offered this option on brand new sprayers. But from year-to-year and field-to-field, farmers' plans change. This retrofit solution enables farmers to pay only when it's needed. And over time John Deere will continue to release new software so it continues to get better, making your fleet the best it can be. ‡
*Results vary based on crop, and individual results will vary.
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