A John Deere Publication

Smiling farmer standing in front of green and yellow John Deere equipment

David Hula's results, along with those from thousands of yield contest entrants each year, demonstrate the innovation and passion of the American corn farmer.

Agriculture, Ag Tech   June 01, 2024

A Yield for the Record Books

Virginia corn grower does it again.

As farmers monitor their corn fields this summer, they're on the lookout for greatness. Whether the measuring stick is the neighbor's field or simply the crop they know they're capable of growing, that spirit is the driving force behind the National Corn Yield Contest. Friendly competition breeds innovation. In 2023, it also yielded a new world record at 623.84 bushels per acre.

Virginia corn grower David Hula broke the 600-bushel mark for the third time at Renwood Farms near Charles City, Virginia. He says record-setting yields start with three things: the good Lord's blessings, Pioneer genetics, and John Deere paint.

From soil samples and planter optimization, through in-season nutrient applications and into the rush of harvest, Hula uses a systems approach to dial in production that brings returns...again and again.

"It's an exciting time to be a corn grower," says National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) President Harold Wolle. "Our industry is rapidly evolving and as farmers, we're growing right along with it." As farmers test new practices and technologies to set their next benchmark, they're paving the path forward to help feed and fuel a growing world.

"Every corn grower who participates in the National Corn Yield Contest contributes to the greater body of agronomic data," says Wolle. "That data helps our industry overcome challenges today and in the future."

The contest, hosted by the NCGA, is in its 60th year and continues to focus on progress, setting new standards for the industry. Entries are open now across 10 categories, including pilot Class J, focused on achieving high yields while managing nitrogen inputs. Visit ncga.com/NCYC for contest details and vouchers available for association membership and entry fees. ‡

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