A John Deere Publication
A driverless John Deere tractor driving on a dirt path between two rows of trees

The future of agriculture is poised to be more productive, efficient, and sustainable thanks to innovations in autonomy.

Agriculture, Ag Tech   March 01, 2025


Empowering Agriculture

The role of autonomy in high-value crop production.

Can you imagine a world without fruits, vegetables, or nuts? Doubtful. Yet these and other high-value crops are often overlooked in agriculture compared to more traditional crops such as corn and soybeans. Still, high-value crops are essential, not only for nutrition and culinary diversity, but for their economic impact as well.

However, they often require more intensive management due to a special know-how and even possibly the "know-who" (knowing from whom to learn this skillset or to chat with about the trials and tribulations that stem from this type of farming).

While they can significantly increase a farmer's profits, these growers face the same challenges all farmers face—time and labor often at the top of the list. This is where autonomy can make a huge difference—helping farmers be more productive, profitable, and sustainable. Autonomy lets the machines operate 'round the clock, requiring growers to merely monitor the machines as they work in the field. This affords growers an opportunity to upskill their labor to prioritize other important tasks, enhancing efficiencies across the entire farm.

Automation also plays a significant role in reducing potential human error, thus leading to more consistent crop quality and yields.

With autonomy as a partner in a grower's efforts, their farm is positioned to be at the pinnacle of optimization and efficiency. And as demand for diverse and nutritious food continues to grow, leveraging technology will be essential to ensure farmers can meet these needs while being stewards of the land and remaining profitable, too.

To read more about how John Deere is leading the way in autonomous solutions, visit www.deere.com/autonomous. ‡

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