Jericho’s Guide to Career Success: Tips for Today’s Professionals


Meet Jericho Curry, a business-to-consumer sales specialist, with a unique career path and professional development story.

With a journalism background and recent MBA, Jericho has navigated various roles at John Deere since starting as an intern six years ago. Notably, his transition from a corporate office to the field has allowed him to work closely with dealers and customers.

Jericho shared his top five tips for achieving success.

  • 1. Be Intentional

    "When I first joined Deere, being the only young person on the team was a challenge. I had to be intentional about building meaningful relationships with my colleagues, reminding myself that I belong here and have a purpose," Jericho shared. “Being intentional about networking and establishing oneself in a new environment is crucial for professional growth.”

    Jericho takes a selfie with a colleague, both wearing John Deere uniforms
  • 2. Get Exposed to Different Training and Resources

    Jericho emphasized the value of seeking out learning opportunities. "Not coming from an agriculture background, I made it a priority to get exposed to different trainings and resources to catch up. It's important to be open to learning and not be afraid to ask questions."

    Jericho poses for a photo with bountiful fields of crops in the background
  • 3. Focus on NOW!

    Jericho stressed the significance of excelling in one's current role. "Don't get caught up in the next job; focus on doing exceptionally well in the job you have. Success will follow," he said. “Giving it your all in your current role can lead to future opportunities.”

    Jericho poses with colleagues behind a statue of a cow with text promoting "Cal Poly" college of food and environmental sciences
  • 4. Be Prepared to Be Uncomfortable

    "Embracing discomfort is where the best growth occurs," Jericho explained. “A relative of mine always says #DoItAfraid which means it’s okay to feel discomfort when starting something new. In fact, you should take on new challenges and step outside your comfort zone. It’s essential for personal and professional development.”

    Jericho drives a John Deere tractor with a scoop attachment
  • 5. Allow LinkedIn to Work for You

    Jericho views LinkedIn as a professional platform for networking and opportunities. "Allow LinkedIn to work for you and not against you," he advised. “By connecting with colleagues and engaging in professional content, individuals can build valuable relationships and potentially secure future roles.”

    Bonus Tip: Travel. Go on adventures. Listen to live music. Cheer on your favorite team. “Sure, my weekdays revolve around John Deere from 8AM to 5PM. Yet, I always prioritize my favorite things when I’m not working.”

    Jericho speaks to a crowded audience at the John Deere headquarters stage