The implement position and a consistent guess row, or the row between implement passes, has to be accurate in many growers' operations. With differential corrections accuracy is at the tractor , due to implement drift accuracy at the implement could be reduced. Improving pass-to-pass accuracy improves operation-to-operation accuracy. This increases the ability to use the AutoTrac™ system on subsequent passes and can increase the ability to use implements with different widths on the same field.
When improving accuracy on the first pass, like planting or strip-tilling, operators will increase the ability to use AutoTrac in subsequent cropping passes, like spraying or planting following strip-tilling.
AutoTrac Implement Guidance increases the ability for more consistent guess rows, reducing overlap and improving placement of inputs.
Performance when using articulated tractors may vary.
When using AutoTrac Implement Guidance in curves, the operator may need to make adjustments to the curve sensitivity setting to improve accuracy. This setting can be found in the Steering Optimization settings, as seen below. Adjustments up or down, depending on the curve performance, will improve accuracy of implement placement.
Curve sensitivity adjustment on Steering Optimization page